Job Overview
Date PostedJuly 12, 2023
Location (State / UT)
Expiration dateJanuary 22, 2026
Experience2 Years, 3 Years
Desired QualificationMaster’s Degree
Job Description
Women Candidates Preferred
Roles and Responsibilities:
- To undertake responsibilities in the Preclinical Toxicology Department for the overall conduct of pharmacology, safety pharmacology, and toxicology studies.
- Train and guide subordinates in the preclinical department.
- Ensure implementation and compliance with GLP/GMP principles in the preclinical department and participate as Study Director for in-house GLP studies.
- Ensure preparation and implementation of technically valid SOPs, Study Plans, and availability of the same at relevant locations and persons involved in the process.
- Involvement in technical assessment and upgrading the quality of all reports and ensuring they are in compliance with GLP principles.
- To guide study directors and principal investigators in addressing inspection findings, deviations, and malfunctionings of both systems and procedures.
- Identifying research needs and developing in-vivo animal & in vitro models for the facility.
- Assist Dy. TFM in managing budgetary planning and allocations of resources and outsourced studies of the preclinical department.
- Assist Dy TFM in resource and manpower allocation for smooth functioning.
- Communicate and coordinate with regulatory and other agencies on behalf of the facility as and when required.
- Ensure proper implementation of inter, intra and external communications and their documentation.
- To implement any other quality standards as deemed necessary by the management in the test facility.
- Any other works as designated from time to time by management.
Qualification: MS/M.Sc(Science) in Biotechnology, Biology, Microbiology, Zoology, Veterinary Science
Location: Mumbai, Abmernath, Thane